Men are not very hard to figure out nor are they hard to turn on. There countless of ways to turn on a man but there are some that are definitely top notch when it comes to truly pleasuring them. It never hurts to learn about different ways to improve your sex life. That is a part of any relationship that has the potential to grow and get better over time. Take the time to read the 10 Ways To Turn On A Man and you might even become a sex expert.

Way #1: Take A Sensual Shower
Nothing like getting into the mode when you and your guy share a very sensual shower. You lather him up and he returns the favor. Don’t forget to look into each other’s eyes and simply take in all of the passion you both are experiencing at that moment.
Way #2: Touch Buttocks Area During Oral Sex
If you are giving oral sex to your man try giving a little massage to his butt cheeks. This will drive him crazy as this is an area on a man that is less likely to be touched.
Way #3: Be In Charge
Be in control while you are getting it on. Let him know what you want and how you want it. This is going to let him know that you are dominating him in the bedroom at the moment. You know what they say men like tough women.
Way #4: Jerk Him Off From Behind
This is quite simple and very sexy at the same time. All you have to do is come up from behind him and grip his cock. Your hand will be positioned in the same way as his hand would be when he stroke his little friend. Your hand will be touching his most sensitive parts and you can go straight to town with this handjob. Don’t forget to whisper sweet nothings into his ear and give kisses to his back, shoulders and neck areas.
Way #5: You Do All The Work
From time to time allow your guy to rest when it comes to sex activities. You need to be the one to do all of the work. Take off his pants, suck his cock and ride him until he bursts his load.
Way #6: Find New Places To Have Sex At
It’s time for you and your man to find new places to have sex at. It’s all about exploring new area where you both are comfortable and excited about becoming intimate in.
Way #7: Bring Out The Handcuffs Or Scarves
Show him who is boss by tying up his hands to the bed post and fuck him like you have never fucked anyone before.
Way #8: Take Out The Blindfolds
There is something extremely sexy about being blindfolded and not knowing where you are about to be touched, kissed or licked. This will drive your man crazy and you have full control on what goes down in the bedroom.
Way #9: Give Compliments
Let him know that you truly love all of the things that he does for you and to you. He needs to know that you are completely happy and satisfy with him. He will definitely appreciate it.
Way #10: Masturbate In Front Of Him
Take the time to play with yourself in front of your man, but let him know he can join in at any moment. If he chooses not too because he is so into watching you then you better give him one hell of a show. Lick your fingers and stuck them back inside of yourself. This will drive him insane.
Now that you know of the ways to turn your man on it is time that you know What Men Over 30 Years Old Want Sexually as they definitely want different things. It’s definitely not all bad news about getting older.